We are providing you with the most sophisticated Audio, Lighting, Led Display and Stage equipment!

If you want to succeed in your business, then you are in the right place!
Who We Are. What We Do
We are Media Group MK.
We Sound, Illuminate, Stage, Led Display, Advertise and organize your Events.
We work as a team and our team is the most experienced team ever!.
What People Say About Us ...
The professional team of sound engineers and audio technicians made the band feeling relaxed. This relax brought us the band members the confidence. We are so proud that we have a team where we can ask and fulfill the technical request. Thank you guys!

Elita 5
Rock Band
The concert in Gostivar did sound awesome!I was feeling fantastic while singing the songs. Meantime I was hearing myself whispering on monitors (imagine). The only time when I heard effects on my vocal on monitors!

Rock Band
Audio, Stage, Light and everything else was excellent! When there is a crowd of thousands of people and you are giving the maximum of your performance, on top of this you are working with a so disciplined and professional team, Man ... this can't be explained with words!

Ledri Vula
Rap Artist